Out of concern for our patients, staff and community, our office is following the recommendation of the Centers for Disease Control and implementing procedures so as to stop the spread of the virus. If you have fever, flu symptoms, and/or a cough it is recommended that you call us at (717) 367-1560 to reschedule your appointment and contact your primary care physician as soon as possible.
Please take comfort in knowing that we have adhered to CDC infection control standards and have now implemented additional protocols to help ensure patient and employee safety. These guidelines were created to safeguard against the spread of severely contagious diseases and they are equally effective in managing the spread of influenza and coronavirus. We have taken extra precaution for employee health, sterilization procedures and disinfecting.
As per CDC guidelines, patients experiencing flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and difficulty breathing) and patients who have returned from travel to a country with a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice in the past 14 days should reschedule their appointments. If you have further questions, please call us at (717) 367-1560.