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About us and Dental Health
Learning is a lifelong passion at our office. Helping our patients stay informed and educated about the latest dental topics is important to us.
So whether it’s an event here in Elizabethtown or a topic that you need more information on or news about the office, we will post it here in our blog. Let us know how we’re doing!

Get Ready for Summer Sports
With the warmer and longer days here, many patients are more active and probably getting ready to hit the field for some summer fun or athletics. So we thought we would discuss a few

Signs you may suffer from sleep apnea
You need a good amount of rest each night in order to be energized for the day and week ahead. After all, without enough sleep, you’ll be exhausted during the day. Snoring doesn’t just

Movies at the Elizabethtown Park Amphitheater 2019
FREE family films under the stars Knowlton Dental Associates is proud to sponsor the 2019 e-town summer movies series. Movies in the park at Elizabethtown Amphitheater is a free and fun family event that

Teeth Grinding is More than Just a Bad Habit
Maybe you don’t even know you grind your teeth and a spouse or loved one made you aware of what was happening. Teeth grinding is also known as bruxism, and it is a serious

Facial Protection Awareness Starts with Mouthguards
What costs us $33 billion in healthcare and 20 million lost days at school? Sports related injuries. In fact, 12 million people between ages 5 and 22 suffer a sport-related injury annually. Injuries to

Oral Cancer: Some Sobering Stats
April is Oral Cancer Awareness month, and with it comes a reminder of how devastating this disease can be: Close to 53,000 Americans will be diagnosed with oral or oropharyngeal cancer this year. It

What are the Signs That Your Tooth Has A Cavity
Being a kid and eating lots of cookies aren’t the only criteria for a cavity… Our team at Knowlton Dental Associates frequently get questions about cavity causes and prevention. You brush twice a day

Can Germs really live on my toothbrush?
Um, yes of course they can! Some experts even say that every time you flush a toilet, a few of those tiny little nasty germs disperse into the air and land you-know-where… But seriously,

Bad Oral Health can Break Your Heart
When you think of February, you think of hearts – Valentine’s day is here and love is in the air. But there’s something else you should be aware of – heart disease – it

Children’s Dental Health Month – Things to Know
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. We’ve compiled a list of important things you should know about maintaining your young child’s dental health. When Teeth Come In Your baby is born with 20

Potential Oral Health Effects of Cannabis Use and Preventive Care Recommendations
Although it remains federally banned, cannabis use is increasing, as many states legalize it’s use for medicinal purposes. While the harmful effects of tobacco smoking on oral health are well publicized, there has been

Lights, Planters, Action! Knowlton Dental will be at Mount Joy Winterfest 2018
We’re proud to be sponsoring the Lights for the Main Street Mount Joy Winterfest 2018 celebration. While your there, don’t forget to checkout our cool planters from Bloombox. (We’ve also installed some planters here

How do I know if I have gum disease? (8 Signs)
It’s usually easy to tell when you have a cavity, but unfortunately, gum disease can exist in your mouth without you even knowing. In fact, you can have the beginning stages of gum disease

The Intriguing History of Halloween
The Halloween that is familiar to most people today bears little resemblance to the original Halloween – back in the “old days” it wasn’t even called Halloween! (If you joined us for Movies in

October is National Dental Hygiene Month: A simple oral health routine for your busy lifestyle
Adults are no strangers to feeling like there is never enough time in the day to get everything done. Your alarm clock rings and within minutes you ping pong around trying to spread peanut

5 Things that Cause Your Teeth to be Discolored and What You Can Do About It
Do you ever compare your current teeth color to old photos you have of yourself? If you did, you might notice picture after picture of yourself with a mouthful of shiny bright white teeth.

Get in the Game with the Right Sports Mouth Guard
Get In the Game by Having a Custom Fitted Mouth Guard Made for You As our own children and the athletes in our practice get involved in organized sports this year, it is important

Three Popular Must-Have Dental Treatments
While we customize treatment for every patient, we find that there are three procedures that are becoming more popular: dental implants, bite guards, and teeth whitening. Implants Dental implants are a great tool for

Got Bad Breath? Here’s your To-Do List.
Here at Knowlton Dental Associates, we see a lot of patients who are concerned about halitosis – also known as bad breath or in some circles, dog breath. So we thought we would help

What is Gingivitis and can it be Reversed?
What is Gingivitis? Can it be prevented? Once I have it on my gums, can I cure or reverse it? Before you can fix the problem, you have to understand it first. Gingivitis is

A Healthy Mouth Starts With What You Eat!
Most people know that visiting the dentist is an essential part of caring for their teeth. Regular checkups and cleanings are, of course, very important. But what some people don’t realize is that good

Does Oral Health Affect Your Heart?
Some scientific evidence suggests that poor dental health may be linked to cardiovascular disease. Although more research is needed to explore this association, it provides yet another reason to brush your teeth twice per

Movies in the Park at Elizabethtown Park Amphitheater 2018
Enjoy FREE family films under the stars. Summer movies in the park at Elizabethtown Amphitheater is a fun and free family event that begins June 12 and will play all summer through August 14.

What are Sealants and how do they work?
Want to know why you get so many cavities in your back teeth? Because molars are made up of canyons, caves, pits, and seemingly endless caverns that are a breeding ground for decay. The

The link between the health of your mouth and heart
While brushing, flossing, and regular visits to Knowlton Dental Associates are all key to maintaining a healthy smile and mouth, Dr. Richard Knowlton and our team want you to know the state of your

Time for a checkup? When was your last Dental Cleaning?
Think about this: You water your garden a few times a week, you change your oil every 3 months, and you [hopefully] replace the batteries in your smoke detectors at least once per year.

XEROSTOMIA – Dry Mouth Explained
What is Xerostomia? Does your mouth always feel like it’s dry? If it does you may be suffering from xerostomia. Xerostomia is defined as dry mouth resulting from reduced or absent saliva flow. There

Sleep Apnea and Snoring
Snoring may not be something you take seriously. You might even laugh or joke about it. But the fact is, anytime you or your partner snore to the point of waking, it could be

Knowlton Dental supports Donegal High School Performing Arts Beauty and the Beast
Come check out the classic Beauty and the Beast put on by our dear friends at the Donegal High School Performing Arts! We’re happy to support such a wonderful cause through sponsorship and staff

Can children really avoid tooth decay?
Yes, in fact, tooth decay is preventable! Decay, which is caused by sugars left in your child’s mouth, can turn into an acid, which in turn can break down his or her teeth. Children