Do you dread selfies? Is SnapChat your worst enemy?
If you’re avoiding posting photos on social media because of the way your teeth look, you owe it to yourself to finally do something about it.
Here are a few easy ways to improve the way your teeth look when you’re taking snapshots with friends:
1. Erase the Stains
Even if you’ve always had the brightest teeth ever, it’s natural for your smile to pick up stains over time (especially if you love coffee, tea, or red wine now and then.) Try a quick pick-me-up with a home whitening kit with a built-in light acceleration tool to trigger faster stain release.
2. Choose the Right Lipstick Color
The shade of your lipstick could be making your teeth look yellower than they really are. Steer clear of orange hues and stick with ones that have a blue or “cool” undertone. Swapping out your lip color can make your teeth look whiter from day one.
3. Address “Gummy” Smiles
Step in front of the mirror and smile. Do you see more gums than teeth? Are the gumlines uneven, making your teeth look lopsided? No, you’re not helpless. You just need to talk to Dr Knowlton or the staff about a bit of “soft tissue therapy.” Through gentle laser gum recontouring or even injectables (like Botox), your gummy problems can disappear in a single office visit.
4. Explore Your Cosmetic Options
A smile makeover can fit just about any budget…really! Whether you’re having a chipped tooth covered up, getting a full cosmetic overhaul, or buying a “Snap on Smile” that pops in like a retainer, it’s easier than you might think. Ask about our affordable financing tools so that you can make low monthly payments that fit right into your budget.
5. Straighten Up
Do you find yourself keeping your lips together when smiling for pictures, trying to hide your bottom teeth because your afraid someone will see that one tooth with a mind of its own? Whether you have just one tooth or a whole mouthful of teeth that need some re-alignment, there’s a quick, easy and affordable solution for you known as clear braces (or clear aligners). We offer Invisalign, the premier option for this type of treatment, and can have you fitted in just a single appointment.
Better Now Than Later
Studies show that people who have beautiful smiles are usually more outgoing, successful, and likable. Stop hiding photos of your smile and take a simple step that can change your life completely! Contact our office today →